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Saturday, June 23, 2012

pho·to·cur·rent/ˌfōtōˈkərənt/ Noun: An electric current induced by the action of light.

"Photography is the art of observation. It is about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I have found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." -Elliot Erwitt 

So, I ventured out to my backyard for a little nature walk. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me at the moment. As I scanned the 4+ acres in front of me, I glanced down and noticed that I was completely surrounded by clovers.

"I'm not leaving this spot until I find a four-leaf clover!" I said aloud to myself.

And so the search began.

The first two pictures are of the same clover, and the last one is a separate clover I found nearby.

I did not pick these clovers. I was once (actually many a time, but a special time sticks out in my mind) told that if you find a four-leaf clover, you should not pick it. The extra leaf is a genetic mutation in the plant, and if left alone, has the potential to produce more four-leaf offspring.

The reason I chose the quote at the top of my post is because it represents the four-leaf clover. " of observation..finding something interesting in an ordinary place..the way you see them."

A four-leaf clover is definitely something that is difficult to observe, an interesting piece of nature in an ever-so ordinary place, and I see it as not only a wee bit of luck, but also as a unique beauty.

Often times in the world, those of us who "stand out" or are "different" end up being ridiculed for our uniqueness. A four-leaf clover can also symbolize hope, hope for those of us who are extraordinary. If this screw-up in nature, if you will, can survive amongst a sea of green three-leaf clovers, then the rest of us can survive as well. 

Lastly, just a few more photos from today. Enjoy, and God bless! 


P.S.: For a list of spectacular photography quotes (like the one above), visit for a list of the best photography quotes out there! :)

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