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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Attempted.. Self-Portrait Photography?

The other day, I decided, "Hey, why not try some self-portrait photography? I could definitely use some practice on a different type of photography!"

So, here's the results..

Yeah, this is why I'm the person BEHIND the camera. xD

Pretty much my first time actually "hardcore photographing" pictures of myself.. I guess all in all, they aren't too bad, and they aren't too great. Feedback, tips, constructive criticism, all are welcome! Thanks!


P.S.: Have an incredible night, and God bless! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

pho·to·cur·rent/ˌfōtōˈkərənt/ Noun: An electric current induced by the action of light.

"Photography is the art of observation. It is about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I have found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." -Elliot Erwitt 

So, I ventured out to my backyard for a little nature walk. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me at the moment. As I scanned the 4+ acres in front of me, I glanced down and noticed that I was completely surrounded by clovers.

"I'm not leaving this spot until I find a four-leaf clover!" I said aloud to myself.

And so the search began.

The first two pictures are of the same clover, and the last one is a separate clover I found nearby.

I did not pick these clovers. I was once (actually many a time, but a special time sticks out in my mind) told that if you find a four-leaf clover, you should not pick it. The extra leaf is a genetic mutation in the plant, and if left alone, has the potential to produce more four-leaf offspring.

The reason I chose the quote at the top of my post is because it represents the four-leaf clover. " of observation..finding something interesting in an ordinary place..the way you see them."

A four-leaf clover is definitely something that is difficult to observe, an interesting piece of nature in an ever-so ordinary place, and I see it as not only a wee bit of luck, but also as a unique beauty.

Often times in the world, those of us who "stand out" or are "different" end up being ridiculed for our uniqueness. A four-leaf clover can also symbolize hope, hope for those of us who are extraordinary. If this screw-up in nature, if you will, can survive amongst a sea of green three-leaf clovers, then the rest of us can survive as well. 

Lastly, just a few more photos from today. Enjoy, and God bless! 


P.S.: For a list of spectacular photography quotes (like the one above), visit for a list of the best photography quotes out there! :)

Politics in High School Sports

High school. The greatest four years of our life. On the contrary, it’s also four of the worst years of our life.
In the majority of schools, favoritism or “the name game” occurs. Why? Why should only specific individuals get to play where they want, whenever they want, no matter what their skill level, while there are other team members who constantly work with all their heart and soul to earn a position?
Last softball season, I was brought up to play on the varsity team. I started off as the catcher, only a sophomore. A few games later, I was completely taken off the field, while another girl played my position.
Now, let me rewind a bit.
My freshman year, I played volleyball. AS SOON AS volleyball season was over, I IMMEDIATELY began preparing for softball. I lifted weights, went to college softball camps, practiced nearly every day. Then finally, the season came. I played catcher all year. After spring, summer ball came around. I also caught then, as well as a few other positions. During the fall, I joined a league at Tiffin University, the Fall Ball Classic. We practiced for two hours, and scrimmaged for two hours. Every Sunday.
Not only did I play softball for other teams, but my coach asked me about 3 times weekly to catch for other pitchers. The girls’ ages ranged from 9-17. None of the other catchers on his varsity and JV teams would catch for him in the off-season. I was the only one. 
Winter rolled around again, and more weight lifting, college camps, and at-home practicing was done. Then the season came.
As said above, I was brought up to varsity to catch. I started on the field the first two games. Slowly, he stopped putting me in as catcher, and altogether stopped putting me on the field at all. He would put another girl in. 
**Just as a side note, I absolutely love EVERYONE on my team with ALL of my heart, I would not change them for the world. But my point here is that something was not right.**

Now, this girl absolutely LOVES volleyball. She plays it all year round, even during softball season. Who would YOU rather have in a position: someone who has a quarter of her heart on the softball field and the rest on the volleyball court? Or someone who has her entire heart on the softball field year round?
That’s what upset me. I put my e n t i r e heart and soul into this sport, into THAT position, but did I get what I deserved? No.
Another thing. My coach NEVER told me why I was NOT being played in the position I had worked on since the end of volleyball season my freshman year.He didn’t tell me if she was better than me, if I was doing something wrong,nothing. He gave me no feedback whatsoever, and just left me hanging. 
If this is happening to you, don’t take it personally. If you don’t have a “name” in your school, don’t let it bother you. Keep working as hard as you can. If you plan on going to college for a sport or something, remember, your coach isn’t the one who is going to get you to college ball, YOU are the one getting yourself to college ball.

Friday, June 22, 2012

There's a first for everything.

That includes a Blogger post! Hehe! :)

Well, I might as well tell you a little about myself! My name is Marisa Rose, but I’d rather be called Ris
“I am 16, going on 17. I know that I’m naive. Fellows I meet may tell me I’m sweet, and I willingly believe. I am 16, going on 17, innocent as a rose. Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies, what do I know of those?” -Sixteen Going On Seventeen from The Sound of Music

If you couldn’t tell, I’m sixteen going on seventeen. xD A few of my hobbies are reading, writing (poetry, stories, freewriting, journalism), and photography. I have a photography page on Facebook, so head on over to and check out my photos! Feedback is greatly appreciated! :) I’m the eldest of four. In a relationship with a very caring person. I enjoy volunteering my time to help others. Do I play sports? Yes, but just one. Softball, of course! I’m a catcher, 3rd basemen, and right fielder. I devote every season of the year to this one sport. My goal is to play ball in college!
Let’s see, I drink too many energy drinks. My height is 5’ exactly! (Yeah, I’m short. I know. xD) I’d rather chill with a small group of friends than go to a huge party. I’m very outgoing, spontaneous, charismatic, and friendly. 
So, enough about myself. :D
God bless, and have a fantastic evening!