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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Yearning to Return

Well, hey there.

It's been way too long since I've posted on here, so a little update on my life:

  • The boy I dated for two years and I broke up. (Long story..)
  • I will be attending The Ohio State University next fall, majoring in Environmental Science with the Scholars Program in Environment and Natural Resources.
  • Currently I am diagnosed with Senioritis.
  • I adopted a Siberian Husky from the Humane Society and named him Niko. :)
  • At the moment, I am creating a community service project that involves recycling and environmental awareness. (A blog will be coming soon which encapsulates this project!)
  • I have begun reading the Harry Potter series for the third time.
  • My spiritual life is beginning to take off and truly set sail.
  • Honestly, I feel the happiest I have in a really, really, long time. Which is fantastic.

So there. Just a quick update about how things have been going. I'm really excited to start blogging again. My goal is to post once a week, even if nobody sees what I'm writing, hey, it makes me feel better, knowing that I am enhancing my own skills. 

For Christmas, my parents bought me a really nice camera lens, of which I have been unable to use... I simply cannot motivate myself to go out in the cold weather. I mean, it's almost April, and there is snow on the ground. Mother Nature seems to be really hormonal this year. And it's upsetting! I haven't even gotten my senior pictures taken. I have so much I need to do before I graduate. Buuuut I'm just too lazy to do any of it. I took a nap today instead of doing homework, and now I'm blogging instead of doing homework! 

Well, I think this is enough updating for now. I'll try to start writing about specific topics next week, or even towards the end of this week. 

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