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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rumor Has It

Oh, the joys of being in high school, surrounded by hundreds of adolescents who have nothing better to do than spread lies. Today I found out that, apparently, I'm going to have a baby. What the hell? I'm pregnant? So, uh, since everyone else knows so much about my life, when is my baby shower?

Obviously this isn't true. It just goes to show that many have nothing better to do with their lives than play story time with their friends in the hallways. I'm not even that upset, honestly. More upset with humanity. Why can't we keep to ourselves? Why can't we simply mind our own business? Why can't we be nice?

Positivity is key in life. That, and perspective. Without a positive perspective, you will always be unhappy with your life. You have to think of the things that make you happy. You have to choose to be happy. It's essential. I struggle with this every day. Being happy is hard. It's tough. It's a process. And that's what makes it beautiful. I love it, even though it's my weakest point. I can proudly proclaim my academics to the world, my countless hours of community service, and my outstanding work habits, but if I can't be happy doing those things, what's the point?

So, really, it doesn't matter what anyone says about you. All that matters is what you say about you. And I don't mean get cocky with everyone that you're so awesome. I mean if you can't be happy with yourself, with what you tell yourself in your mind, there is no way you can radiate true, honest, happiness outward to anyone else. How can you make your family happy? Or your boyfriend? Girlfriend? Husband of wife? How can you make your kids happy if YOU aren't happy? It's impossible.

Choose to be happy. Every day, it is your conscious decision to be unhappy. Do things that make you happy. Have relationships and friendships with people who respect and care for you, care for your happiness. Just. Be. Happy.

Rumor has it, I have faith in you. :)

With Much Love,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Half Empty or Half Full?

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
It's 2 AM.
I can't put down this pen.
Yet you make me feel so full.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
"I promise, I'll try!"
No... It's just a lie.
You make me feel so empty.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
I love you...
And I love you, too.
Yet you make me feel so full.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
It's actions I need,
not just the words you speak.
You make me feel so empty.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
Ahh, your warm embrace...
Ohh, your lips against my face...
Yet you make me feel so full.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
The first notch in your belt;
Is that all you ever felt?
You make me feel so empty.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
My hair was dripping wet,
but you brushed away the mess.
Yet you make me feel so full.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
You built me up and tore me apart.
Finally, I decided to depart.
You make me feel so empty.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
My wrists were always bleeding hard, 
still you wrapped me in your arms.
Yet you make me feel so full.

You make me feel so empty,
Yet you make me feel so full.
To your future, good luck, my friend.
But in our hearts we both know,
that this Goodbye is not the end,
but a new beginning, in order to grow.

I finally feel free.

Written By: Marisa Twigg

Just a little something I've written since the break-up. It kind of encapsulates my feelings and keeps me from old habits. Hope it's enjoyable..

God Bless... 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Yearning to Return

Well, hey there.

It's been way too long since I've posted on here, so a little update on my life:

  • The boy I dated for two years and I broke up. (Long story..)
  • I will be attending The Ohio State University next fall, majoring in Environmental Science with the Scholars Program in Environment and Natural Resources.
  • Currently I am diagnosed with Senioritis.
  • I adopted a Siberian Husky from the Humane Society and named him Niko. :)
  • At the moment, I am creating a community service project that involves recycling and environmental awareness. (A blog will be coming soon which encapsulates this project!)
  • I have begun reading the Harry Potter series for the third time.
  • My spiritual life is beginning to take off and truly set sail.
  • Honestly, I feel the happiest I have in a really, really, long time. Which is fantastic.

So there. Just a quick update about how things have been going. I'm really excited to start blogging again. My goal is to post once a week, even if nobody sees what I'm writing, hey, it makes me feel better, knowing that I am enhancing my own skills. 

For Christmas, my parents bought me a really nice camera lens, of which I have been unable to use... I simply cannot motivate myself to go out in the cold weather. I mean, it's almost April, and there is snow on the ground. Mother Nature seems to be really hormonal this year. And it's upsetting! I haven't even gotten my senior pictures taken. I have so much I need to do before I graduate. Buuuut I'm just too lazy to do any of it. I took a nap today instead of doing homework, and now I'm blogging instead of doing homework! 

Well, I think this is enough updating for now. I'll try to start writing about specific topics next week, or even towards the end of this week.